Writing blog content for your company website

An easy method of keeping your website content fresh and engaging is to post interesting, informative blog content that people enjoy reading, often.  Google will like you too, if it’s optimised for search engines, of course.

Website blog posts build a positive retail relationship

Successful blogging is regular blogging; it’s useful, appealing and reliable, telling your readers what they really want to know about your product and services. It’s the first step in building a positive relationship with your readers, who will become your followers and, if you manage your blog strategy carefully, your customers.

Blog with personality and warmth

Blog content with personality keeps your readers coming back to your website for more. Communication with character and personality resonates with online readers, encouraging precious feedback and trust that will establish the rapport and warmth that can be so difficult to create in the online world. Too often, websites are cold, sterile sites with no room for the reader.

Get to know your online clients and customers

A steady well written flow of blog content creates that warm, friendly place for your reader; your reader can share your thoughts, respond with feedback and set up an online conversation that will be a wonderful resource for your company when assessing your business strategy.

Blog posts need careful writing and optimisation

As with all your content, the blog posts should reflect the professional attention to detail and high level of skill you’d like readers to associate with your services or products. Good, well structured writing is credible writing that wins the trust of readers. Sloppy syntax and poor style is cruelly exposed online.

Effective blogging requires a competent, professional online content writer who can speak clearly to your readers, and optimise the content for search engines to raise your website profile on the search results pages.

Generate leads from your blog posts

The Scribe can write regular, well optimised blog posts for you, providing interesting and useful information for your clients. Use blogs to feature new products or services, or to stimulate interest in existing products with a blog that tells your customers what they really want to know.

But most of all, effective blogs are also engaging, holding the reader’s attention right through to the end. Those are the blogs that build customers’ awareness of your products, your company and your attitude to your customers. If you get that right, they’ll buy your product.

Plan a strong strategy for blogging

Before the blog comes the strategy. A sound blogging strategy will support your marketing strategy, so we’ll talk about that, then decide on the best strategy for regular communication with your online audience and work from there. But first, you’ll need to speak to me!

Contact The Scribe to set up a successful blogging strategy